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James La Trobe-Bateman
C0-Founder & CEO

James is driven to make organizations more fit for human habitation.
He is a “numbers’ guy”.
A diplomat, too.
Likes finding useful insights from data and turn them into models to predict the future.

In 1981, James started predicting the “rippling effects” of one change across the whole of an organisation while workings a professional engineer in the oil & petrochemical industry. In 1985, James joined in the Healthcare Manufacturing Industry where still today, he very passionately continues to drive highly successful, ongoing International Operations Improvements as well as resolve New Product Development & helps laser focus New and Existing Market Potential.
Over the years, James has also successfully shown many international manufacturing facilities very specific, pinpointed steps to keep their facilities open, when faced with near certain rationalisation closure… These steps not only stopped massive negative economic ripples happening, they doubled, and tripled growth, causing new sites to be built from the positive actions.
James is also Co-Author of Book: Bridge of Faith for Manufacturing Operations, as well as Design for Manufacturability and his story is part of new book in 2018 called 15 Stories One Bob written by International Best Selling Author, Inbal Hillel.
James has also studied directly with Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher and holds certification to teach “Thinking Into Results” program internationally.

Lorrie A MacGilvray
C0-Founder & Chairman

For more than two decades, ‘Global Innovation’ Award-Winning Mentor, Consultant, Author, ‘Growth Mindset & Belonging’ Teacher, Lorrie A. MacGilvray has shown results again and again, helping multi-million and billion-dollar global corporations. Lorrie´s real passion and even greater joy has come while mentoring individuals during times of ‘dis-satisfaction’ seeking different-better positive change & purpose in their lives. The greatest reward is watching their ‘growth mindset’ journey creating most amazing transformations as they ‘shift paradigms’, find where they really ‘belong’ and evolve into their ‘purpose-filled’ lives.
Prior to joining ReModel International-UK in 2001, Lorrie worked in the USA for Wells Fargo, the original stagecoach company of the Western Frontier specializing in multi-site operations and people. Much of that making-the-future drive can be seen in her approach to business today where she helps identify opportunities and challenges which others might not recognize or find too daunting.
As a lifelong learner, most recently Lorrie received certifications for Jacqueline Novogratz Acumen Academy Courses ‘Path of Moral Leadership’, ‘Human Centered Design 101 & 201’ and ‘Systems Practice/Mapping’.
While living in Spain, she also studied directly with Bob Proctor (‘The Secret’) & Sandy Gallagher creator of ‘Thinking Into Results’ program as well as studied directly with Mike Dooley on his ‘Infinite Possibilities’ & ‘The Matrix’ programs. Lorrie holds certifications to teach these 3 programs Internationally.
Lorrie is co-author of book ‘Bridge of Faith for Manufacturing Operations’. Her story is also part of an International & Amazon Best Selling book called ‘15 Stories One Bob’ written by European author, Inbal Hillel.
Always giving back to community… While living in United Kingdom sat on steering committees (board) for Women Into Science & Engineering (WISE) and Wales Innovators & Inventors Network (WIN). Back home to Michigan USA, Lorrie currently sits on Board of Directors as Vice Chairperson for Camp Cavell Conservancy. She has also done extensive work with Clintondale Community Schools over many years from ‘MasterMind’ & ‘Growth Mindset’ workshops with Board of Education, Superintendent, Staff & Community to ‘Thinking Into Results’ personal development program with Teachers & Students. Lorrie’s passion has also been mentoring several SC4/DEI STRIVE program students.

James La Trobe-Bateman
Lorrie MacGilvray